Motor oil and filter disposal

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Don't dump used oil and oil filters 

  • Used motor oil is hazardous to you, your children and our environment. Do not dump used oil down gutters, storm drains, in garbage cans, or into our creeks, rivers, the delta or bay. The oil from one oil change can pollute 1,000,000 gallons of water.
  • Recycle your used oil filters. They can contain more than 45% used oil in weight when removed from the vehicle. Recycling all filters sold annually in the US would recover 160,000 tons of steel and prevent millions of gallons of oil from polluting the environment.
  • Recycling used oil and oil filters prevents water pollution, protects public health, and preserves limited natural resources.

Used oil and oil filters recycling​ services

Curbside pick-up

  • Available in some cities, on your recycling and garbage day for single family residences. Call your garbage company for more information.

Certified Collection Centers (CCC) 

  • Over 80 retail locations participate in the CCC program in Santa Clara County.  They accept your used oil for free.
  • ​Many centers also accept oil filters for FREE.

DO NOT DROP OFF your used oil or oil filters outside the store or when it is closed.

See Certified Centers that take oil and oil filters

The Certified Centers will not accept any contaminated used oil, antifreeze, transmission fluid, or brake fluid from residents.

If you have any of these contaminated products, please contact the Household Hazardous Waste Program for a disposal appointment. Call us at (408) 299-7300 or schedule an appointment online.

Used oil is a hazardous waste in the State of California. Illegally dumped oil contaminates the environment and endangers human health.  In order for the public to properly dispose of used oil, California has developed a Certified Used Oil Collection Center Program. Disposal locations, which are often automotive repair or service shops, are called "Certified Collection Centers."

Certified Collection Centers are authorized by the State to accept used motor oil from residents. Under the collection program, residents can be paid 16¢ per gallon for all used oil brought to the centers. Some of the Certified Centers also accept used oil filters.